Friday, February 27, 2009

So which is true? Fate or Free Will?

Some believe that our lives are pre-determinined and controlled by fate and destiny.
I often hear in a reading, "When will I ________?"
(fill in the blank with anything you want).
Or ... "How long will it be before I ________?"

Others believe that -- no -- it is not fate that drives us --
but it is Free Will and choices.
This belief says that by design, our choices create our so-called "fate."
This system advocates that that where we are now is the culmination of all the choices we've made thus far.

So ... are our lives pre-destined by the hand of fate?
Is there a map we are following over which we really don't have any control?
Or is life determined by the power of the choices we make?

Which do I believe? Both.

Is this a contradiction? No.

Life does have many things to offer us, and some are
-- in my opinion --
predetermined and karmic.

Another definition for Fate is "opportunities or challenges."
Powerful things will come to us over which we have no control.
People we meet, illnesses we may be faced with, unemployment surprises in this bad economy...there are some things over which we have no control.
They happen.

But our *reaction* to them is pure Free Will.
And it will determine the outcome of the experience.
We can spiral down into a dark depression and lament alone at home over our woes.
Or we can brush ourselves off and get out there and create a better tomorrow for ourselves by our attitude and actions.

Can we change our future?
I have found that being forewarned is being forearmed
and the choices we make do change our outcome, for good or for ill.
Little choices can end up making a big difference.
Just like a ship who may only be 2 degrees off course in a long journey... may not seem in the short picture like the 2 degrees makes much of a big difference.
But follow that ship for 300 miles, and he'll find himself landing in the wrong country and suddenly his course is altered in a big way.

When people ask, "Will I _______?" I have to look at them...."Well? Will you?"
It is their CHOICE.
Yes, you have say in what you decide to do,
just like when you're choosing your wardrobe for the day
or choosing something off a menu.

Looking toward your future....
if you want to know what will happen, short-term predictions
are much more accurate than long-term predictions.
The choices you can make between now
and 10 years from now
can profoundly impact your direction,
much more so than the choices between now and three months from now.
Much like the ship.

And if any psychic tries to tell you you have no choice in how you get there, they are being unethical and are sorely mistaken, and are taking your power away from you.

A psychic holds no power over you or your choices.

Situations will surely come to you over which you have no control,
but you have the option of
molding outcomes
creating opportunities
by your actions
and shifting energy as a response to those situations.

What comes your way may very well be Fate.
But what you do with it.... there lies the magnificent Power of Free Will.
You can lay down and play dead and let the opportunities pass you by....
or you can stand up and march forward and create a dream.

Someone can put a box of money on your doorstep.
But it will do you no good until you open your door and pick it up.
Your life will remain as it was.

How is your life any different than the box?
Choose to pick up the box.
Before someone else passes by
and decides to act on the situation you decided to avoid.

The Universe will offer you many gifts.
You can only pass them by so many times
before your invitation to join will run out
and the opportunity will be offered to someone who is ready to receive.
The Universe will give you opportunities,
and you have the option to act on them and create outcomes.

But.ignore the Universe and one of two things will happen:
1) You will either get hit by the big cosmic two-by-four
to MAKE SURE you see the opportunity
(the big cosmic whack, never easy), or
2) the opportunity will be made available to someone else
when you tell the Universe you are not interested.

Fate is what the Universe gives to us. Free Will is what we do with it.

Use your power of choice wisely.
Because your choices today create your tomorrow.

Remember that
"What you do today is important,
because you have traded a day of your life for it."

What will you choose today?

Create. Love. Smile. Choose.


Connecting you with Spirit ... One Whisper at a Time